homework:- https://www.ctrlpaint.com/s/playbook-03-homework.pdf By teaching a subject you are forced to critically examine your own workflow. Things that yo...


By teaching a subject you are forced to critically examine your own workflow. Things that you’ve been doing unconsciously while working.  When it came time to make this video, it really was a breakthrough moment for me: this subject… I think it’s the ‘big one’ for concept art. Synthesis. Synthesis is a skill that I’ve been practicing for years, but have never been forced to put it into words.

Today’s challenge has you taking the ‘updated enemy bullet points’ you made in episode #02, and to formulate an updated drawing.  You’re starting with unrelated bullet points, and trying to unify them into a single, clear, message.  Once you have a clear message, it’s much easier to develop your drawing. But that process in the middle - it’s called synthesis.  Combining unrelated ideas into a coherent message.  That’s concept art.  It’s not easy, but it’s crucial to practice.  Have fun!

AuthorMatt Kohr